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Rolling Up Our Sleeves in February: Seed Starting Indoors for Zones 3-6

gardening Feb 12, 2024
Petunias Little Mountain Ranch

Hey there! Let’s chat about how we can beat the winter doldrums by getting our gardening game on, even when the frost is still on the windowpanes. If you're living in zones 3-6, you know February can be a tough cookie—cold, gray, and kind of a tease with spring still a bit off in the distance. But here is the good news: its the perfect time to start some seeds indoors. It's like bringing a little bit of spring right into your home when you need it most. I talk more about this in my seed course that you can check out HERE.

Seeds to start in February in Zone 3-6

Let's talk about what we can get started on this month: onions, those hearty woody herbs, colorful petunias, celery, and its close cousin celeriac. Getting these guys going now gives us a jumpstart on the growing season and, lets be honest, a nice break from the winter blahs. So, grab your pots and lets dig into the dirt (literally)! 

Starting onions from seeds indoors around this time is smart because they need a long while to do their thing before moving outside. Sow them about 20 seeds to a 4x4 square pot, lightly covered with soil and keep that soil moist. We're aiming to move these little guys outdoors just before your last frost dates. They can handle a little light frost and cool weather.

Woody Herbs (Think Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender)

These herbs are the long-haul truckers of the plant world; they take their sweet time. Pop them in some pots with seed starting mix, just barely cover them with soil, and give them warmth and bright light once they pop put of the ground. They'll take a bit to germinate, so patience is
key. Plan on starting these about 10-12 weeks before the last frost date to give them a solid head start.


Petunias are all about color, and starting them now means a blast of color come summertime. These seeds are tiny, so just sprinkle them on top of moist soil and don't cover them—they need light to kick off. Keep them warm and moist, and in about 10-12 weeks, they;ll be ready to transition outdoors.

Celery and Celeriac
Both of these need a good long season to really get going, so February is your starting line. Plant them a quarter inch deep in moist, nutrient-rich soil, and keep them at a cozy 70°F (21°C) for the best germination. Like the others, you're looking at about 10-12 weeks before the last frost to start these seeds.

Tips to keep in mind when starting seeds indoor for zone 3-6 

Moisture is Key: Keep that soil moist, but not soggy, to encourage those seeds to wake


Warmth Matters: Seeds need warmth to sprout, so consider a heat mat if your house is on the cooler side.


Light It Up: Short days mean less light, so a grow light can really help your seedlings

Patience, Patience, Patience: Each plant is on its own schedule. Keep an eye on them and adjust your care as needed.

Starting seeds in February is more than just a gardening task—it's a way to connect with the cycle of growth and bring a bit of life into these long winter days. It's a reminder that, even in the coldest times, growth and beauty are just under the surface. So let's roll up our sleeves and get those seeds started. Here's to a vibrant, colorful, and fulfilling growing season ahead!

If you're looking to learn more about starting seeds join my Seed Starting Course HERE. 



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